About DeltaM2M

DeltaM2M is a specialist in Industrial IoT and M2M solutions.
Industrial IoT (Internet-of-Things) and M2M (Machine-to-Machine) communication is dataexchange between a central server and machines, production facilities, or sensors that is typically placed at different locations.

DeltaM2M was established in 2007.

DeltaM2M ApS is a private limited company, owned by Torben Deleuran.

Company information:
DeltaM2M ApS
Kratbjerg 240
DK-3480 Fredensborg

VAT-no.: DK30814975

Danske Bank
Reg.no: 3409
Account no.: 3543233595
IBAN: DK0830003543233595

DeltaM2M er specialist i IoT og M2M løsninger. IoT (Internet-of-Things) og M2M (Machine-to-Machine) kommunikation er dataudveksling mellem en central server og maskiner, anlæg, PLC-styringer, CTS-anlæg eller varmestyringer, som typisk er installeret på forskellige lokationer.

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